Remember the difference between an 18 month old and a 12 month old ?
The little differences that just 6 months can bring to your family life are pretty big, but can be hard to recall as the years go by. Amy was invited over to take some more photographs of baby Marco who is now 18 months old and thriving, running and climbing in a village near Andover, Hampshire on Saturday and shares her thoughts..
I had the pleasure of catching up again with Nico and Lauren and their gorgeous son Marco recently. I last did a shoot with Marco just 6 months (just before lockdown!) and, wow, how much he had changed since the last shoot.
You realise just how quickly babies grow into toddlers.
In our pre-lockdown shoot, I’d played with Marco in his room and watched him pull himself up against furniture and then topple down again onto his bottom. This time, it was a different story! Marco was leading the way with this shoot, walking around his garden (a sizeable garden, which he did around 4 laps!), showing me his toys and playing with his football.
It’s just incredible how a toddler has so much energy!
Their house and garden had been updated with toddler equipment since my last visit – a swing, a trampoline, a football, a paddling pool… all the best things that little children love to play with.
Here are a few of my favourites from the shoot.
If you have a little one, and would like to capture their ever changing snaps then please get in contact and we can discuss ideas.